Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Widget added :-)

Hello world! Happy New Year! I'm a horrible blogger I know, getting myself used to blogging is proving to be harder than I expected. I've never been one to keep a diary or journal so this is a change for me.
I've been a happy member of Netflix for a year and a half or so until this week. They changed their new releases page, they've taken away the page that lists the weeks new movie releases. I finally found my way to the netflix blog, my first visit I didn't know they had a blog til today. Apparently I'm not the only one who doesn't like the disappearance of this page but I did find a link of the sidebar that took me to the old version of the new releases for this week so I am happy again. I even found a widget for the weeks new releases so I've added the widget to my page. It may change in page placement, I want to make sure it's not going to slow down the page loading time.
I promise to be back later :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Aeryn!

Thank so much for visiting my blog. Yes, that list took me a long time to finish it. I started with searching for freebies, then saving the images, then batch-process them in Photoshop, then upload to my Photobucket, and then post the link together with respective pictures. It's tiring but I had a lot of fun doing it. I hope everyone have fun with the freebies too.

Anyway, thanks again for visiting my blog. Come again often coz I always have freebies to share!

zakirah a.k.a missScrap.