Thursday, May 22, 2008

I've Been Tagged :-)

It's been a very busy week. I was working on my post last night, telling you 7 weird and random things about myself. I was just too tired to decide who to tag next and was going to finish this morning, But, I've had a family health emergency today so I haven't gotten done anything I planned to do. My ex-hubby and I decided years ago to get a divorce and stay friends rather than stay married and be enemies. We have continued to be close friends, This morning he had a stroke followed by a full out brain bleed, The doctors in the er had to make burr holes in his head. It was very hard to see him so quiet and still. He's in a coma and there's no way to know right now if he'll wake up or not, and what damage there is. I know you all will forgive me for not tagging anyone right now, I've been tagged 5 times now and I will try to get a layout made for the layout tag blog game. Blog tag is so fun, I'm such a bad blogger, I need more hours in the day, Here's what I have so far on answering my tags. I promise I'll get caught up. Doing this will help keep my mind occupied,

I've been tagged, and not just once but 3 times! This is the first time I've ever been tagged, it's pretty cool. Now if I can just come up with 7 appropriate wierd or random things. On to the formalities ---

I've been tagged by --- Tara of Creations by Tara, Kathy of Carolina Girl Scrap Creations, and Debbie of Beckmoore's Scrapalittle Thank you for the chance to play ladies :-)

Here are the rules ---

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

And now 7 facts about me ---

1 - I'm an old hippie that still loves tie-dye. I've shared a house with a bunch of other old hippies for 10 years+ in Southern California,

2 - I'm originally from Kansas. When asked how I got to California, my favorite answer was/is - I put on my ruby red slippers, clicked my heels together 3 times and said there's no place like home and I landed here, without landing a house on anyone, thank goodness, lol. I heard every Wizard of Oz joke there is when I moved here and too make things worse, I had a yorkshire terrier at that time, not quite a scottish like in the movie but close enough. Nevertheless, the movie remains a family favorite.

3 - I'm totally addicted to Netflix!! I love movies and don't go to theaters. I impatiently await the mail on movie days, lol.

4 - One of my favorite programs for my computer is Windowblinds, part of Object Desktop by Stardock/Wincustomize. Windowblinds skins the win xp/vista user interface. There are lots of artists, called skinners, that live for making skins to make computer desktops look different, I have an idea but I need a skinner's help. I want to convert my scrapkits to skins. Imagine opening your start menu and seeing the layout of your choice. Getting a right click menu that looks like a journaling or tag. Think scrapping your computer interface. Anyone interested in this idea please leave a comment with your email.

5 - My mom passed away on Feb. 18. It was a hard mother's day,

6- I'm a complete computer junkie. Alot of women shop for shoes, etc, not me, lead me to closest software store. Better yet, I stay at home and shop online. I'm also totally addicted to freebie hunting, And not just for scrap freebies, Some of my best other than scrap freebies over the years have been a complete queensize quilt cover set from England, a leatherman multi-tool, an igloo cooler, tons of samples and full size products, photo paper and other printing supplies, pens, calendars, cook books and magazines,

7 - I've found that I prefer to have both photoshop cs2 and paintshop pro 9. They're usually both open at the same time, Oh yea, ArtRage too, lol.

Next comes tagging 7 others. I'll be back tomorrow to do that. My brain is fried from trying to think up 7 things about myself, lol. When I get this tired my fingers tend to forget how to type. Goodnight, cya tomorrow :-)

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